The Southern “Invasion”

The MAGA hats and GOP love to stick to the term that the southern border immigrant problem is an “invasion”.

It is not an “invasion” by any terms as the founding fathers defined it.

The founding father clearly defined an invasion of military armed people with the intent to overthrow wither the state or federal government. That is not what is happening on our southern border.

And for those saying that the border is open, yeah it kind of is. Because the way the law reads, it states anyone has a right to apply for asylum, regardless of how they came into the United States, or their status.

Yes, there is an issue, but the law needs to be changed, we should not be a country that does not allow people to apply for asylum, but they should have to come in through a legal point of entry.

GOP has zero intentions to change this, because they want it to be an issue for the 2024 election.
